Merry Christmas, 2024
Our hearts are full of gratitude this Christmas as we have been abundantly blessed and are so aware every day of the goodness of God! Kevin has fully retired now. He loves the freedom retirement brings.
We love San Jose and plan to stay here as long as we can. We thought we would need to sell our home in San Jose and move someplace more affordable (we co-own our home with our former church), but the congregation blessed us beyond our imagination and changed the Agreement so that we can decide when we want to sell. What a gift!
We have found a church home we love! Every Sunday we look forward to meaningful conversations with friends at The River Community Church (an ECC church in Willow Glen) and being encouraged in our walk with God. Kevin’s gotten involved in the spiritual formation cohort, and rides bikes with the guys; I love to meet women for coffee and share our stories. This fall we joined a small group. We’ve loved connecting with these folks.
I love leading NEWIM (Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry). It feels like the perfect blending of my calling, my experience, and my giftedness. The Lord has blessed me with a fantastic group of women to serve alongside. Co-leading the spiritual formation cohort in conjunction with Fuller and co-facilitating contemplative retreats for women in ministry continues to be such a joy for me. Kevin loves meeting with men and women for spiritual direction. Helping others see where God may be at work in their lives is also a perfect blending of his giftedness and calling. In our older years, we value that we can still be actively involved in coming alongside others and helping to strengthen them.
Throughout the year Kevin and I have had our aches and pains, visited ER when I blew out my knee, cried and prayed for each other and with friends. There are still plenty of situations that are not resolved in our lives and as we watch the news we are saddened by the impact of wars and injustice all around the globe. But suffering and loss doesn’t change the fact that we also have much to be grateful for. Sadness can be mingled with joy. And so now, during Advent, we turn our focus to the coming of Jesus and receive his gift of coming to be with us, in our sorrows and in our joys. His presence is the gift that makes each day precious and helps us to smile at the future.
May the Lord richly bless you this holiday season with joy and peace,
Luann and Kevin
A few photos from this year…
The Twins
Ashley and Enzo’s twin boys began the year pretty fragile but today they are thriving toddlers who delight us with their smiles every time we’re together. Thank you, Jesus.
Visiting the kids
We try to get around to see all of our kids throughout the year.