A Lenten Journey - Please Join Me
Lent begins on Wednesday, March 1: Forty days to think about my sin and the sacrifice of Jesus, and 6 Sundays to consider the resurrection. During this season, I want to prepare my heart by listing and then confessing my sins each day. I'd like to experience more sadness and heartfelt contrition over my sins.
Often I'm clueless, if I pause for a minute to confess my sins, nothing comes to mind. So I'm taking C.S. Lewis' encouragement and making a list, naming my sins without exaggerating or diminishing them, using plain and specific language, and making no excuses. I plan to spend a few minutes in reflection, then ask God for forgiveness, seeking His help to improve. Sounds pretty basic.
If you'd like to embark on this Lenten journey with me, I'd love to have you comment about what you discover along the way.