Journal Keeping

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Creation Calls

Come, let us bow down in worship,

Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker!  (Psalm 95:6)

When we sit along Kauai’s south shore with vacationers from all over the world, gathering night after night to enjoy the beauty of sunset, I know why everyone is there. We love the beauty of the changing sunset colors; we delight to watch the sea turtles come ashore to rest. It’s mesmerizing. Simply gorgeous. For my husband and me, it’s also holy. We close our day sitting in the sand, silent, in reverent worship of God.

When we love to watch the sunset and invite others to come enjoy it with us, we are responding to creation as God intended. If we didn’t admire it, we would be the great losers missing the extraordinary wonder of the gift we’d been given. It seems creation calls everyone. It’s universal.

Hopefully, in our delight, we will become curious: Who is responsible for all of this beauty? Why do I love it so?

Creation is intended to lead us to its Creator the Supremely Beautiful One. She lifts our eyes and hearts to him.

As Paul explains to the people in modern-day Turkey, “turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them . . . he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”  (Acts 14:15-17, emphasis added). Creation testifies! To enjoy the sunset, twinkling stars, sleepy turtles, and to know there must be a good God is simply to be awake in the real world. It’s how we and all of creation are designed.

Devotional Activity

Would you like to copy Psalm 95:6 or another Scripture into the front of your journal? I found that it was nice to have a Scripture on the opening page that called me to worship.

You might also begin thinking about what worship is and have a page at the front of your journal dedicated to notes you want to make as you continue to think about Worship. You might begin thinking about how you define worship. “Worship for me is . . .”

Reflect on how joy (“fills your heart with joy” Acts 14:17) testifies to you we have a Creator God.

The content of this post is from All Creation Sings by Luann Budd.