Suggestions if you want to create a personal Book of Worship
A few years ago, I decided I wanted to create my own book that would help me when I wanted to enter into a time of worship. I wanted to copy verses of Scripture, prayers of praise and confession, thoughts from books I was reading, and my personal reflections. This personal Book of Worship became a treasure. I’ve created several others since that first book. Here are some suggestions if you decide that you’d like to create your own Book for Worship. Subsequent blog posts will give suggestions for what you might decide to include.
Purchase a Blank Book
I recommend that you purchase a new blank book in the mid (5” x 7”) to large size (7” x 9”). I prefer ones with lines. However, if you enjoy calligraphy and art you may want one without lines and perhaps, you’d like one with heavier paper for painting. My favorites are Paperblank Journals for writing, and for painting Strathmore’s 400 Series Hardbound Watercolor Art Journal (8.5 x 5.5), or Pentalic AF Aqua Journal (5” x 8”) 140 lb.
These journals have become my most treasured books, so investing in good quality, archival paper is important.
Think about leaving ten pages blank at the front. As you create your Book there will be verses of Scripture, quotations, key insights, perhaps a Table of Contents that you’ll want space for. Create your cover page with your name and contact information and the date. Number the pages (you can also number just the even pages). At some point, you may want to add a Title, or include an overarching theme (e.g. grace, imagine), or a key verse. At the back of your Book, have a page for books you find helpful during your journey.
I like to use my Book during my devotional time to aid me in worship. So as I spend time with the Lord, I copy Scripture, copy quotes, write reflections, lyrics, poetry, engage in devotional activities and art in my Book. Sometimes I keep the even pages for these entries and the odd pages for personal reflection. In this way, I am documenting my journey. Once my Book is completed, I go back and revisit the entries, using them over and over. Create your Book to be whatever you will find useful as you seek to worship the Lord. I’ll make some suggestions, but it is totally up to you to decide what to include in your Book.
I’m creating my Book of Worship for me. I’ve never shared my Book. I don’t think what I write in it is private, in the same way I think of my working journal as being for my eyes only. Your Book is to record your thoughts and what you believe God is showing you.
The content of this post is from All Creation Sings by Luann Budd. If you’d prefer to purchase it as a book, it is available on Amazon in full-color paperback and Kindle formats, 183 pages.