Journal Keeping

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The disciples saw Jesus command the wind and walk across the lake like he was walking across a mud puddle. Their eyes were opened and they knew he was the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. Seeing Jesus as God made Peter want to walk on water, too. Back in their fishing boat, Peter dripping wet, the disciples didn’t have to try to worship—they were compelled to worship Jesus.

“And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him saying ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matthew 14:31).

When we see our Maker revealed, we worship. It’s the only reasonable thing to do.

Devotional Activity

Centering Prayer: Worship the Lord for three minutes, thinking about the vastness of creation. Use the phrase, “Son of God” to focus your thoughts on Jesus. If your mind wanders, simply pray, “Son of God.” Lift your heart to him in heartfelt adoration. Close by reading Matthew 14:31 three times.

The content of this post is from All Creation Sings by Luann Budd.