The justice of God belongs equally to each person of the Trinity. It’s not that the Father is just and Jesus is loving and the Spirit is our comfort. The three persons of the Trinity share one divine essence.
As divine attributes, justice, love, power, and goodness are infinite. All divine attributes are always at work, always working together.
This means that everything created is the common work of Father, Son, and Spirit. God created all, and he profoundly imbues all that exists with structures of justice and love.
Since God’s relationship to creation involves not only love, power, and goodness but also justice, we can rebel against God’s goodness in such a way as to fall on the wrong side of justice. When rational creatures do fall on the wrong side, justice requires punishment.
Man of Sorrows, Luann Budd
The content of this post is from All Creation Sings by Luann Budd.